How to Design and Fabricate a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine: Design, Analysis, and Fabrication using Gorlov and Savonius Blades
This book explains how two types of turbine blades are used to make a new type of wind turbine design. The wind turbines used to are Savonius and Gorlov. These two blades are combined to make a turbine. The wind turbine blades are made in such a way that the blades can be removed. These blades are coupled to the shaft. At the end of the shaft, it is fixed to a to diaphragm pump. The rotating motion is converted in reciprocating motion. When the shaft rotates the pumps contracts and expands. This helps to pump the water easily. Diaphragm pump requires less force to pump water from one point to another point. Wind blade provides the continuous motion which helps to supply the water continuously.
Since time immemorial, the main source of energy has been coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear energy, wood, and coal. However, all these sources are limited and are the main cause of pollution and this has led to development and more focus on sustainable energy supply with minimum pollution effects.